Career Opportunities

Executive Director Of COPLAC


Reporting to the President of the COPLAC Board of Directors and theChancellor of UNC Asheville, the Executive Director providesleadership and direction to achieve the organization's mission, goals, and strategies. The Executive Director is a full-timeadministrative positionbased in-person on the campus of UNC Asheville - who manages day-to-day operations of a small office,shapes COPLAC's programming, garners external funding, and fostersand sustains effective initiatives to advance the public liberalarts sector.

Working  on a COPLAC campus, you’ll be a vital part of our affordable access to undergraduate education, mentored research and creative work, as well as community outreach.

COPLAC Member Institutions' Opportunities

The Evergreen State College

Fort Lewis College

Georgia College & State University

Indiana University Kokomo

Keene State College

Kentucky State University

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts

Midwestern State University Texas

Mississippi University for Women

Northern State University

Ramapo College of New Jersey

Sonoma State University

St. Mary's College of Maryland

SUNY College at Geneseo

Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania

Eastern Connecticut State University

Truman State University

University of Alberta, Augustana

University of Illinois Springfield

University of Maine at Farmington

University of Mary Washington

University of Minnesota, Morris

University of Montevallo

University of NC Asheville

University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

University of South Carolina Aiken

University of Virginia's College at Wise

University of Wisconsin-Superior

Vermont State University -Johnson

Western Oregon University