About Metamorphosis:
First published in 2009, Metamorphosis features scholarly and creative work at COPLAC member institutions across the United States and Canada. The journal is interdisciplinary by design, highlighting work in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, arts and professional programs.Undergraduate research and creative activity has become a "COPLAC Distinctive" with all twenty-nine member campuses focusing on this recognized "high impact" educational practice. Work published in Metamorphosis must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate campus committee or undergraduate research director. The URSCA director must send the approved work to COPLAC for publication. We do not accept work sent directly to the journal by the author/artist.
Submission Guidelines
We request two documents, each sent electronically to bailey@coplac.org:
Doc One: Summary
- Document must be in MS Word
- Title this document with your last name and school acronym (for example, Bill Spellman at UNC Asheville would title his Summary Document spellmanunca)
- In this document please list the following in this order:
- Title of Presentation Author(s)
- Faculty mentor(s) School
- 200-250 word abstract (submissions over the 250 word limit will be edited)
- Up to 5 keywords related to your submission
Doc Two: Research
This is your actual paper.
- Document must be a PDF
- Title this document with your last name, school acronym and the letters RD (for example, Bill Spellman at UNC Asheville would title his Research Document spellmanuncaRD)
- On the first page, include paper’s title, author(s), faculty mentor(s) and school name
- Document should be single-spaced text with 1” margins, 12 pt font, and a maximum of 10 pages
- All references are to be organized as endnotes